Important Leaders In The Current Gender Equity Movement

Madison Campbell
2 min readOct 18, 2021

Many nonprofits work at a constant rate trying to secure much-needed funding to keep the nonprofit functioning at a high level. Although there are small changes that occur with funding each year, most nonprofits receive funding from similar sources year in and year out. There are specific ways nonprofits gain funding across the board and this article will go into some of those methods these nonprofits use to support their important projects.

Fees and Sale of Products

Think of the many nonprofits that charge a fee or sell products. The Goodwill or Salvation Army thrift stores sell products to keep their nonprofits helping workers learn the skills they need to acquire a job and career. Many Universities are nonprofits as well and receive much money from the public, but also charge for tuition and other products.

Charity From People

Humans are a giving bunch and the vast majority of money within nonprofits comes directly from people giving to charity. In the year 2018, the amount given by people to charity was $427.71 billion dollars.

Corporate Philanthropy

Corporations are an important contributor to nonprofits. Nonprofits are always looking for ways to work directly with a…



Madison Campbell

Madison Campbell is a CEO, sexual assault survivor, and advocates revolutionizing sexual assault resources in the United States and beyond through Leda Health.